Wow. What a hectic day today (and the rest of the days this week
actually). Lots of things to take care about. Start from preparing
planning to feed my boss' birds on Saturday, get self-photos for
tomorrow's visit to Indonesian Embassy in San Fransisco (renewing
passport), setup online account for my friends' Cingular bill,
contacting lawyer for my H1b visa status, try to add a class for my De
Anza College classes (and failed because it says that I didn't meet some
prerequisites), and take care of my friends' cell phone purchase rebates.
What a day, isn't it? If God did not give me strength, I don't know how
I am gonna be now. I would be so stressful, I think.
Well, I just have to do what I have to do. Tomorrow will be so busy
also. I have to go to San Fransisco early in the morning to Indonesian
Embassy. Take care my business there, and then go to my work place in
Fremont. I have to be in Fremont at 12:00PM, so that I can finish at
7PM. After that, I have to "ngebut" to my church's Friday Fellowship.
Why? because I will be one of the musician for the service tomorrow, and
usually we will have to practice for about 30 minutes first before the
service starts, which is at 7:30PM.
Can you imagine that? What a hectic way to end my week, isn't it?
Plus, I have to attend my church's Bible Class at San Fransisco on
Saturday 9AM, which will not end until 4/5PM. AND, there will be another
one on Sunday also.
WOW. "God is the strength of my heart…." That's so true. Please pray
for me, that God would give give strength to finish my week without
grumbling or complaining. Let there be only praises that comes out from
my mouth. To God be the glory and honor forever and ever.
Rm 8 : 28; Is 55 : 8-13