Just found this movie that’s apparently filmed in Indonesia. Haven’t watched it yet (soon), but according to IMDB it’s filmed at Candi Prambanan, Gunung Bromo, Pulau Belitung, and Jakarta. Kinda made myself proud everytime a western movie filmed in my country 😉
The story was about an international school in Jakarta who teach a philosophy class with 20 students. One time, he asked his students this bizarre question, “In case of a nuclear apocalypse, if you only have 10 spots in the underground shelter to protect you from the cataclysmic event, how would you choose the ten of you among the twenty?” Interestingly, this question leads to a series of event that’s beyond their imagination.
Pretty interesting, ha?
Here’s the trailer.
Hhmm.. I’ve never heard that movie before, but it looks interesting..
Tell me if you’ve got the movie 😉
Btw tadi liat di trailer ada pulau yg bagus pasti Belitung (waaah jadi pengen kesana.. #salahfokus)
Iya…aku jg gak pernah denger ttg film ini, makanya pas ketemu agak kaget hahahaa kyk dulu film “Eat Pray Love” kan udah banyak orang yang ngomongin krn shootingnya di Bali.
Pulaunya bagus yah…kyknya sih emang Belitung deh. #jadipengenpergijuga