1- Wife: Honey….. What are You Looking for? Husband: Nothing. Wife: Nothing…?? You’ve been reading our marriage certificate for an hour?? Husband: I was just looking 4 the expiry date. ********** 2- Q – What is the Difference between Mother & Wife? A – One Woman Brings you into this world crying… and the other…
Category: Funny
Programs – Wife 1.0
Dear Tech Support Team: Last year I upgraded from Girlfriend 5.0to Wife 1.0. I soon noticed that the new programbegan unexpected child-processes that took up a lot ofspace and valuable resources. In addition, Wife 1.0 installed itselfinto all other programs and now monitors all othersystem activities. Applications such as BachelorNights 10.3, Football5.0 ,BeerWithBuddies 7.5, and…
Father’s Day Joke
Kisah ini terjadi di suatu pagi yang cerah, yaa.. mungkin tidak begitu cerah untuk seorang ayah yang kebetulan memeriksa kamarputrinya. Dia mendapati kamar itu sudah rapi, dengan selembar amplop bertuliskan “untuk ayah” di atas kasurnya. Perlahan ia mulai membukasurat itu… —– Ayah tercinta , Aku menulis surat ini dengan perasaan sedih dan sangat menyesal. Saat…
Usia Pernikahan Mempengaruhi Kemesraan!!!
Sebelum Bobo: 6 weeks: selamat bobo sayang, mimpi indah ya, mmmuach. 6 months: tolong matiin lampunya, silau nih. 6 years : Kesana-an doong…kamu tidur dempet2an kayak mikrolet gini sih?! Pake Toilet: 6 weeks : ngga apa2, kamu duluan deh, aku ngga buru2 koq. 6 months: masih lama ngga nih? 6 years : brug! brug! brug!…