Category: Personal
South Fork of the American River
The South Fork of the American River is the most friendly and welcoming of the three, with river fun for novices as well as experts and thrill-seekers. More people boat the South Fork than any other river west of the Rockies, and for good reason: trips ranging from half- to two-day, arranged by experienced river…
Senat AS Memulai Debat Imigrasi
Masalah imigrasi memicu aksi protes di seluruh Amerika Senat Amerika memulai perdebatan mengenai sebuah RUU penting soal imigrasi yang dapat memberi status legal kepada banyak dari 12 juta pendatang gelap di Amerika. Minggu lalu, Presiden George W Bush dan sekelompok senator bipartisan merancang sebuah versi RUU yang juga akan memperkuat pengawasan di perbatasan. Kesepakatan ini…