Category: Self Improvements
Why wedding ring should be put on the fourth finger?
Pls follow the below step, really god make this a miracle 1. Firstly, show your palm, center finger bend and put together back to back2. Secondly, the rest 4 fingers tips to tips3. Games begin, follow the below arrangement, 5 fingers but only 1 pair cannot split4. Try to open your thumb, the thumb represent…
Cool Shoe Lace
1. The lace is run straight across the bottom and emerges through both bottom eyelets 2. The laces then go straight up and are fed into the next set of eyelets up the shoe 3. The ends are crossed over and are fed under the vertical lace section on the opposite sides of the shoe…
You don’t know how good your life is…
if you think you are unhappy, look at them if you think your job is tough, how about him? if you think your salary is low, how about her? if you think you don’t have many friends you think study is a burden, how about her? when you feel like giving up, think of this…
Dua orang yang baik, tapi, mengapa perkawinan tidak berakhir bahagia
Ibu saya adalah seorang yang sangat baik, sejak kecil, saya melihatnyadengan begitu gigih menjaga keutuhan keluarga. Ia selalu bangun dinihari, memasak bubur yang panas untuk ayah, karena lambung ayah tidakbaik, pagi hari hanya bisa makan bubur. Setelah itu, masih harus memasak sepanci nasi untuk anak-anak, karenaanak-anak sedang dalam masa pertumbuhan, perlu makan nasi, dengan begitubaru…