I don’t know why, but the weather in Pensacola is kinda weird lately. As you know, Pensacola, FL should be warm and sunny, but somehow it’s so cold now. I know it’s winter now so it should be cold, but still it’s not like it used to be. One guy here even told me that it even felt colder here than in North Dakota or Colorado. Yesterday it was 21F (-6C) here. If you add the winchill, it could be as low as 10F. Today is actually getting warmer a little bit.
Well, I guess you just need to layer up. I began to use long johns couple weeks ago, and it works great for me. Top it with ear warmer and some fleece jacket, you are good to go. If you have dry skin, make sure you are using skin moisturizer. Vaseline petroleum jelly works just fine for me, plus it’s cheap 🙂 If you live in tropical country, you are so lucky. Enjoy every minute of it.
As you can see, our lawn turned into ice here.
“If you live in tropical country, you are so lucky.”ntapi ada enaknya, tinggal di negara 4 musim. kalo nanem2 sayur-mayur lebih gampang. kalo di indo kudu tinggal di pegunungan.n~gakpentingpol
True…but I don't have plan to plant any vegetable anytime soon. Actually, living in the mountains is not a bad idea either.
wew.. separah itu y… hm.. klo gtu aku bersyukur tinggal di indonesia.. ^^
yah, mskp cuaca di sini jg cukup aneh.. abis panas bgt bisa tau2 hujan deras, atau sebaliknya.. n sudah membuat cukup byk org terkena flu jg.. 😀
hahahaa yup…you should be thankful if you live in Indo. My friend in Korea told me that it was even colder there, probably about -15C, so I think I have to be thankful also, since it's not that cold here.
Take vitamins and such, especially if the weather changes often. 🙂
di Beijing jg ktnya sempat -16C tu.. ga kebayang klo di indo sampe kyk gtu… >.<
di Beijing jg ktnya sempat -16C tu.. ga kebayang klo di indo sampe kyk gtu… >.<