I just want to share a simple lesson that God taught to me today that really blessed me. This morning, I was listening to Ps. Joseph Prince message about “Qarah”, a Hebrew word for “right timing”. He says that when we are focusing on Jesus, He will lead us in such a way so that…
Sushi Joobu – All You Can Eat Sushi for Rp. 109,999++
It’s rare to find a place to eat sushi around my home area, so when I passed by this place, Sushi Joobu (it’s close to Puri Indah), I have been wanting to try out this place, especially after reading “All you can eat sushi for Rp. 109,999++” But poor me, I never had the chance…
The Key to Conquer Problems in Life
Life can get tough…trust me it will. Perhaps, the very reason you are reading this now because you are in tough times now. However, our response to it will make a whole lot difference. You can either be defeated by the toughness of life, or you can be triumphant over it and live more than…
Mie Keriting Awai
Mie Keriting Awai Jalan Raya Pluit Sakti No.45 Jakarta Utara,14450 Review: Bakmie Awai adalah bakmie yang boleh dibilang paling enak dari seluruh bakmie keriting babi yang pernah saya coba. Tekstur bakmie-nya pun sangat pas, tidak terlalu keras ataupun terlalu lembek. Dipadu dengan potongan panggang babi, daging potong, dan sayur-sayuran (caisim dan toge), bakmie keriting Awai…
Tips Before Travelling to China
Travelling to China would be a fun and great experience to have. However, it will overwhelm you and can give you a headache if you are not prepared with what you will be facing there. Western and Asian cultures are like 2 different worlds that are miles apart. That are things that are common…